About FHM University of Applied Sciences
FHM University of Applied Sciences is a private, non-profit and state-approved University of applied sciences. FHM has been founded in the year 2000 by medium-sized enterprises and educational institutions. Since then it has developed into one of the most successful private universities in Germany and established itself as a reliable partner of medium-sized enterprises.
1. SMALL STUDY GROUP & INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE: With us you are not a number in the system. TheFHM- that's 5,000 students, 82 professors and 140 employees at nine university locations. Whether it's the personal attention in the lectures or the professorial support your thesis: Anonymity does not exist for us. Become part of the living community!
2. OUTSTANDING TECHNICAL FEATURES: Learn in real conditions! So you are well prepared for the future professional practice.
3. WE LINK THEORY & PRACTICE: In the application-oriented courses you consume not only theoretical knowledge but put Learned directly into action. Try out and benefit from guest lectures by industry professionals, many practical projects and field trips.4. PARTICIPATION AT THE ALUMNI NETWORK: Use the contacts and experience of graduatesFHM and let, for example, when searching for an internship practical assistance.
5. STUDY WITH JOB AND CAREER OUTLOOK: Do you understand the network ofFHM as an opportunity: Because of the close economic contacts of FHM sustainable career opportunities arise for you.
6. INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION: Discover your talents and develop into the various soft skill courses and personal level on.
The central campus of the FHM is located in the center of Bielefeld. In addition to the central campus, there are six further locations in Cologne, Pulheim, Hannover, Rostock, Schwerin and Bamberg.
The university has additional locations in Hanover and Munich through its Institutes for Scientific Further Education (IWW). In addition, the FHM also runs the Institute for SME in Lippe, located in Detmold and a German-Chinese SME Institute (DCMI) in Suzhou, China.
FHM also runs a Studienkolleg, which is primarily designed for qualified international students who intend to enroll in a Bachelor's program in engineering or economics in Germany and whose secondary-school diploma does not qualify for direct access to a Bachelor’s program at a German university. Studying at Pre-Studies-Program (PSP) provides beginners with a solid academic foundation. Specialized German courses bring their language skills to an adequate level while highly qualified lecturers and a learning-enhanced atmosphere prepare the PSP-beginner for studying at a German university. Graduates of PSP are eligible to take the final examination (FSP) at the end of the program.