Low cost MBA in Norway

About Low cost MBA in Norway

In Norway, studying in university is free of all charges for any student – it will not depend on your level of study or on your nationality. The University of Stavanger offers a wide range of Master of Business Administration courses in many fields, again with no tuition fee, but you have to take into account the payment of a NOK 750 registration fee per semester, as well as the living costs in Norway, which are quite high, and for which you will need around NOK 100,000 per year.

The University of Agder, on the other hand, offers an MSc in Business Administration in various specializations running for two years for which there are no tuition fees to be paid, although a registration fee of NOK 800 (€100) is required. The University of Agder also recommends, in the line of the University of Stavanger, that the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund estimates that the cost of living for a student is of around NOK 9,750 monthly, including accommodation, although it would be possible living with less depending on the circumstances and accommodation chosen.

Finally, the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen lists an MSc in Economics and Business Administration with six possible specializations (in Finance; Economics; Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment; International Business; Marketing and Brand Management; and Strategic Management), and with the duration of two years, as the ones above. Again, there is no tuition fee to be paid by any student, apart from the semester fee of NOK 800 (€100).

When applying to study for any programme in Norway you should take into account that, although there are no tuition fees, the Government will oblige you to certify that you have a minimum amount of money to cover your living expenses, a figure that is determined by the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). For the 2015/2016 academic year, the amount of money that you would need to document is of NOK 100,920.